Pretty Little Woman    (LM 145)   Larry Letson


All four ladies chain across, you gonna turn there with my girl
Rollaway and circle left around the world
Four ladies rollaway, you circle left you will go
Allemande the corner, weave the ring
It's the giggle in her talk, the wiggle in her walk
Dosado and promenade
That pretty little woman of mine - whoo!!
She's so fine


Heads square thru you know I don't deserve her
You meet a pair, go right & left thru
Swing thru you do, spin the top
Boys walk up, recycle the girl, sweep 1/4
Pass thru, clap your hands, left allemande
Swing the next one, promenade
That pretty little woman of mine - whoo!!
She's so fine


I love the wiggle in her walk, the giggle in her talk